The Risk and Reward of Building Big: An Indian Perspective

Challenges in Building Large Software Products

Sathguru Soft stands as a testament to the evolving landscape of Indian software product companies. It embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation that is crucial for scaling up and creating products that not only serve immediate needs but also redefine industries. However, the journey from a small product company to a behemoth that commands a significant market share is fraught with challenges. As we scale-up in our journey of growth we pen our thoughts about why India should produce more products


The Dichotomy of Scale

Not all product companies are created equal. Some thrive and grow exponentially, while others struggle to find their footing. The disparity often boils down to the nature of the products they create. Big products necessitate big risks. They demand substantial financial investments, extensive development time, and a long-term commitment to bringing them to market. This commitment can be seen as the very essence of entrepreneurship—a willingness to embrace uncertainty in the pursuit of transformative outcomes.


Calculated Risk vs. Foolhardy Strategy

The debate over whether taking such significant risks is a calculated move or a misguided strategy is ongoing. Many seasoned mentors argue against this approach, suggesting that it is fraught with pitfalls. They advocate for more conservative strategies that prioritize incremental growth over grand ambitions. However, this perspective, while prudent, may overlook the potential for groundbreaking success that comes with daring to dream big.


The Indian Context

India’s software industry has long been recognized for its service-oriented capabilities—selling the proverbial “cows.” However, there is a growing recognition that it is time to shift focus and start “selling the milk”—creating and marketing innovative products that can compete on a global stage. This transition is not without its struggles, but it is a necessary evolution for the industry to achieve its full potential. India is no more conservative; India is highly aspirational now.


Sathguru Soft’s portfolio, including long-build ERP products, exemplifies this shift. By investing in comprehensive, robust solutions, the company is not only positioning itself for long-term success but also setting a precedent for others in the industry. These efforts demonstrate that with determination, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace risk, Indian companies can indeed create significant, impactful products. We are confident we will successfully go through the challenge of growth competing with companies of scale.



The journey of building big products is undeniably challenging and requires a blend of entrepreneurial spirit and strategic foresight. While conservative voices may caution against the inherent risks, it is essential to balance this advice with a vision for innovation and growth. India’s software industry has the talent, capability, and drive to make this happen. As Sathguru Soft continues to develop and expand its product offerings, it serves as a beacon of what can be achieved when ambition meets execution. The path may be arduous, but the potential rewards make it a journey worth undertaking.


In embracing this vision, we respect the caution of mentors but also recognize the need for bold action. It is through this balance that India will shine, moving from a service-oriented legacy to a future defined by pioneering products and groundbreaking innovation.

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